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JUNE and JULY 2011 issues of Horse and Rider Magazine have a feature on Tai Chi and how it can help your riding.
The article shows Alex and I demonstrating some of the exercises we do in the Dismounted Workshops.


Our first dismounted workshop was held on 22nd May 2010 and 15 riders came along for a fun morning of demonstration and participation.

I demonstrated rider position, balance, problems and corrections on my horse, and Alex Swainson explained the principles of Tai Chi and how they relate to riding. (see Tai Chi for riders further down this 'news' page)

Riders need ways to help them improve and Alex provides valuable training exercises on the ground in these workshops. These exercises can be practiced at home and will help the rider to develop good body awareness, suppleness, co-ordination and balance. Tai Chi promotes a calm and ease of movement - qualities needed in riding.

Some of our riders have even started attending an evening class in Tai Chi. Like riding, it takes a long time to learn to do it well, and you can always improve despite how good you are.

Here is what one rider said about this approach: “The combined input from Alex and Debbie has helped me become more balanced on the horse, which is willing, soft into the contact and energetic. It is like we are becoming more tuned-in to one another and it feels more 'together', as if we are dancing." Juliet Dennis, Workshop participant.

We will continue to do the workshops throughout the year. Check our websites for dates and venues.


Tai Chi is a system of body and mind training for health, personal development and self-defence. Authentic Tai Chi training creates a body that is highly efficient; relaxed and fluid, yet firm and stable. It conditions the tendons and ligaments of ankles, knees and hips, increasing the range of motion and enabling the body to become more resilient and less injury prone. The constant weight shifts and subtle changes in body position heighten physical awareness and the meditative movements promote a calm and composed approach to life.

Alex Swainson is a full-time Tai Chi teacher serving the Guildford and Cranleigh area. He is authorised to teach by renowned master John Ding, who is one of the few teachers in the West able to demonstrate the higher aspects of the art. An experienced teacher, Alex has spent well over 1000 hours instructing over 300 students aged 18 - 80. His main aim as a teacher is to create the right environment for students to progressively gain an understanding of Tai Chi principles through actual experience of feeling and applying Tai Chi forces. Because true Tai Chi principles are in harmony with nature and physical laws, horses, due to their pure instincts, are already Tai Chi masters and have much to teach us. In the words of Egon von Neindorff, ‘the horse already knows how to be a horse, and therefore the problems of equitation are entirely those of the rider'. Masterful riders in artistic disciplines will have had to apply Tai Chi principles to get there, but they will doubtless describe what they do in a different way because they have followed a different path. The destination, however, is the same.

For more information visit www.guildfordtaichi.co.uk/about/equestrians or contact Alex ...

Tel: 07812 469133

Email: alex@guildfordtaichi.co.uk  

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